Peace of Mind is Easy as 1, 2, 3 …

Your LOST Keys are found with a Comkey Tag or sticker and are taken to a Police Station

The FINDER is rewarded (paid by us) for finding your keys and taking them to the Police Station

You will be contacted by us (Comkey) to collect your keys from the Police Station
Save hundreds
in replacement costs
For over 100 years and with the assistance of our Nationwide Police Departments, Comkey has returned thousands of keys to their rightful owners.
The process is so quick and easy, that often keys are returned before the owner has even realised that they were lost!
Advances in car-key technology, as well as rising costs of locksmiths mean that losing your keys can potentially be a very costly accident, but never fear! The Commonwealth Key and Property Register has a tried & tested system for protecting important keys and property against loss.

Our Impressive Success Rate
Means We’re Doing Things Right
Over the past few years we have had a number of keys successfully returned to us, and I feel that Australasian Key Register plays an important role in the security of our stores.
We are more than happy with the Commonwealth Key and Property Register (Comkey) services. Comkey saved us the embarrassment of having to go through the arduous process of changing locks.
We are extremely pleased with the service The Commonwealth Key and Property Register provided to the school. It was vital to us that the lost keys were returned to the school as a matter of urgency.
Since introducing the Comkey tags throughout our store network we have experienced several occasions whereby lost keys have been recovered as a result of the Key Tag being attached to the keys.
I have been so happy with your Comkey key Tag service that I have expanded it to include my employees and have told many other people about it. Keep up the good work. Thank you, once again.

Trusted by People and Businesses Over Many Years