166 Windsor Road
Northmead N.S.W 2152
Telephone: (02) 9630 2875

Australasian Key Register
9 Queen Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

To Whom It May Concern,

This Club has been involved with the above Company for over 4 years. During that time, fortunately, we have only had to call on them twice with two key loss incidents, the most recent was a loss through theft of a supervisors handbag which was stolen from her car.

We were immediately told by this Company to do what had to be done as the set of keys were identifiable by a Club key ring. We had all our external doors re keyed to a new combination, a few days later the bag was found intact except for personal items, but the keys were there.

We then changed the combinations back to the original and sent the required documentation to the Melbourne office on Friday 26th June, 1998, anticipating some 2 months wait to receive our claim settlement. To our surprise on Tuesday 30th June we received our settlement.

It would appear that a 24 hour settlement was done which in this day and age is extremely surprising, with keys to any large organisation being paramount importance for security. It is refreshing to know that there is one very efficient organisation we can rely on.

B.A. Waddell. ACCM. JP.
Secretary Manager